
Have you experienced this? In a state of urgency, process changes are poured out like cold water onto employees who aren’t fully prepared.

Or: In the race to update a technology product, a design team invests high-value effort in features of lower value to the user.

With the best of intentions, a company’s technology and marketing professionals can be doing good work but working at cross-purposes.

A facilitated meeting or activity can help to clarify the return (business case), requirements (use cases) and rationale (case for change).

Milo Paich’s work in this area has included:

  • Facilitating a project kickoff for a CJIS (criminal justice information system).
  • Designing and facilitating a technology vision workshop for a county government’s staff.
  • Serving as executive facilitator in a design discussion for a NIC (network interface card).
  • Facilitating a tech company’s supply chain team in planning a dual strategy of inventory management and customer relationship management.
  • Designing a high-level intro to a software development methodology.